Stirchley Primary School

  1. Curriculum
  2. Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum 

At Stirchley Primary School we foster a love of learning in our pupils by embedding our ACORNS Values right from the start of their time with us. We work together to support every child so that they have a happy experience of schooling and can take pride in their accomplishments.  By the time they leave us, we aim to have equipped our pupils with the knowledge, skills and resilience needed to embark on their next learning stage.

 The National Curriculum provides the framework for what we teach and when to teach it.  Subjects are planned so that the knowledge to be learned and the skills to be mastered are sequential, both horizontally across year groups and vertically from entry to exit.  By doing this, we aim to ensure that the acquisition of knowledge and skills builds upon previous learning at every stage, resulting in strong outcomes for all of our learners.

 At Stirchley Primary School, the processes and principles of Quality First Teaching are promoted in order to deliver a wide range of subjects in an engaging and inclusive way.  Teachers adapt their plans and resources to meet the needs of their particular cohorts and use assessment to inform each step of the teaching and learning experience.  Leaders are supported to develop their own knowledge and skills – our curriculum is always evolving.

Currently, the development of the Foundation subjects features on our school’s development plan.  We are working with a refreshed focus on these subjects, to ensure that, over time, the right skills are being taught by teachers who are better equipped to do so.  Continuing professional development will enhance further the learning experiences on offer at Stirchley Primary School, helping to develop the great thinkers and doers of this generation! 

If you would like any more information on our curriculum please contact the school's curriculum lead Miss Chivers.

Please see below each year groups long term plan for 2024-2025 academic year.

Please click on the subject icons below to find out more information on our subjects.

National Curriculum Guide 2014 onwards

A new National Curriculum was introduced by the government in September 2014. The guide below has the latest information on the changes. We hope you find it useful.