Stirchley Primary School

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  2. Train to Teach
  3. Partner Schools

Partner Schools



Stirchley Primary School is situated in the heart of Stirchley Village. We are a one-form entry school in which children feel happy, safe and secure. The school provides a broad, enriched and challenging curriculum to equip our children with the skills needed to achieve their full potential in an ever- changing world. We are a happy and caring place and have high expectations of all our children and staff. We believe that every child has a right to quality education and that this is more easily achieved when parents and schools work together in partnership.





We are a large, three-form entry, community Primary set in the heart of Dorridge village. In addition, we have a 90 place Nursery offering both morning and afternoon sessions. We pride ourselves on providing a nurturing environment, where children can develop into confident young people with a real thirst for learning.
We are extremely proud of our talented team that are hard-working and committed to achieving high standards; whilst providing a caring and nurturing environment.
We believe it is vital to provide a learning environment in which Parents, Staff, Governors, and the PTA work together in partnership for the benefit of our pupils. Together we ensure that our pupils achieve their full potential, developing skills to become independent, life-long learners, who leave us as responsible citizens that are respectful and tolerant.
Above all, we strive to encourage initiative within a happy, healthy and safe environment where all achievement is valued and celebrated. Our rewards systems enable all pupils to achieve their own personal best; whilst recognising good behaviour and manners. Further to this, we deliver a broad, balanced, and enriching curriculum that promotes challenge and creativity, enabling all pupils to make a positive contribution towards their own and others’ learning experience.

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George Fentham is a voluntary aided village school, endowed by the George Fentham Trust, with strong links with the Church of England

The size of our school, with one class in each year group, means that children are well known to all our staff. They gain in confidence and maturity from this safe environment, based on Christian values, as they progress from our Nursery to Year 6. As a school we strive to provide for the all round development of our children. We, of course, want them to achieve the highest academic standards of which they are capable and to extend their various talents in, for example, sport, music and the arts. Equally we want them to develop such qualities as compassion, courtesy, self-discipline, kindness, tolerance and understanding of other Faiths and Cultures.

With an extremely talented staff, enthusiastic pupils, very supportive parents and an able Governing Body, we are committed to the continued improvement of George Fentham School in the interests of the pupils it serves.





Damson Wood are a two-form entry Nursery and Infant School serving the local community. Damson Wood Infant School is part of a multi-academy trust called the Central Schools Trust, with Balsall Common Primary School as the Lead Sponsor Academy. We are a happy and caring school with high standards of learning and behaviour where children are encouraged to be independent. High expectations of the children are vital and we encourage the children to work hard. It is important to us that the children recognise their individual talents and we put a heavy emphasis on making sure that children are valued by us and each other.





Lady K is a single-form entry Church of England primary school in the heart of the historic Forest of Arden. We value all of our children for who they are and the talents and interests they bring with them. We aim to nurture and challenge them as individuals whilst also delivering a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum to everyone. We are very fortunate to be located within beautiful countryside and aim to make the most of this through learning outdoors when we can. We also have strong links with our church and the values and ‘feeling’ which permeate everything that we do are frequently commented upon by visitors and is something that we are very proud about. Our aim

is to prepare our children for their future through challenging them academically; developing their emotional intelligence; stimulating their curiosity and wonder of the world through the curriculum and real-life experiences and most importantly, developing the confidence and integrity to make good choices.



We are a larger than average, 3 form entry, semi-rural primary school, that has a wide geographic catchment
Graded outstanding in 2014, Balsall Common Primary School became the lead school in the Central Schools Trust, which includes Damson Wood Nursery and Infants School in 2016.
Children who attend this school are supported in becoming well-balanced and independent youngsters, who thrive on challenge, and are thoroughly engaged with their learning. The end result is socially well adjusted, high attaining young people, who go on to make the very best of their potential.
The staff of the school work hard and enthusiastically, in close partnership with very supportive parents, and are seen very much as a core strength of the school, with the governing body being well informed, with a consistent and supportive approach to all school matters.
We are a school that performs extremely well, that has a long and proven track record of providing the very best opportunities for the children and the families that attend.
